Research lines
To avoid wasting resources, from the beginning EvanLab has chosen to limit its activities to a small number of strictly similar research paths, which are summarized here.
This branch of research, aimed at increasing our knowledge of the human mind’s abilities, is dedicated to studying the possibilities offered by a new hypnotic technique that allows a conversation in real time with the consciousness of the subject under hypnosis during an Out of Body Experience (OBE).
Although this is a total novelty, previously thought to be very unlikely, the results have been very interesting, replicable, and loaded with opportunities to go further: a new research branch was born. We even made instrumental analyses during the OBE and are continuing our investigations into this state of consciousness

We explore the ability to distantly mentally influence technological devices in a way that is instrumentally discernable, without using any traditional means of transmission.
As an example, we obtained original and replicable results at a distance of 190 Km, mentally altering the output of a random number generator, initially using a Psyleron REG (Random Event Generator) – a well-known electronic device used in research – and thereafter more simple and economical devices.
We even managed a replicable experiment in which a photomultiplier 7000 Km away counted UV photons on mental command.
We are continuing experiments with other types of sensors in order to demonstrate the possibility of efficiently transmitting data over long distances without using electromagnetic waves.

We investigate the possibility of the distant signal transmission between two minds/brains without conventional means of transmission, such that it is instrumentally detectable. The person denoted as the Receiver is unaware of what he/she is getting: this is why we called it “unconscious telepathy”.
Initial results demonstrated the existence of the phenomenon, and then that it was also possible to transmit coded signals – in other words, it allowed the transmission of messages even to places that are unreachable by traditional telecommunications.
For the time being the transmission speed is very low, but the event itself is very important; research continues, as funds permit, towards our goal of greater speed.

The need to instrumentally monitor our experiments for our ongoing studies, either with the electroencephalograph (EEG) or other devices, has shown that this type of monitoring is particularly demanding and not always feasible with commercial equipment and software. As such we have established a specific research path divided into two main activities:
Results obtained are regularly made public in all their details, as are those obtained from other studies.
We have also begun work in this field, difficult as it is because it is largely influenced by financial interests as well as the emotions involved in contacts with deceased loved ones, in order to determine which, if any, similarities exist between the trance state of mediums and that of hypnotically-induced OBEs.
Frequently the results that emerge from the experimental tests carried out within the research lines listed above do not fall within the classical theories, therefore they require the implementation of new and original attempts at a theoretical framework. We make our contribution in this regard, based on the experience gained in the field and the data it provides.